We Automate 3d world creation.

To unlock the next level of virtual vehicle development in autonomous mobility and beyond.


At AVES Reality we combine satellite images with artificial intelligence and advanced video game technology to create 3D content at scale.

With our AI models we aim to understand the surface of the earth and then translate our insights into a geo-referenced,  photorealistic 3D map.

Automotive info graphic

Use Cases

Our 3D world twins include real-life locations, semantics and materials, which makes them look and behave like the real world. These synthetic environments are a safe space for simulation, training and data generation for autonomous vehicles and sensor systems of all kinds.

Of course, video gaming, VR entertainment and metaverse applications are on the horizon as well.

AVES Launcher

HD-Map Generation & Editing 

AVES Launcher mockup_IAA

Cloud-based, collaborative road editing tool

Subscription-based HD-map & 3D creation

Automated OpenDRIVE generation

Import & native OpenDRIVE editing

Create 3D road mesh from OpenDRIVE

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AVES Reality GmbH Joins NVIDIA Inception

Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany,— May 19, 2022—AVES Reality GmbH today announced it has joined NVIDIA Inception, a program designed to nurture startups revolutionizing industries with technology advancements.

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